I) Player Participation, Performance, and State Analysis:
State-by-State Statistics
Biggest Tournaments in June
⚠️ The number of active players represents those who have participated in at least one rated game for June. ⚠️
Please note there are 706 players not attached to any state on their USCF profile.
Top TDs and Affiliates
II) Initial Concept: Chess Activity Index for US Chess Community
To calculate the index we:
Compute the total number of active players and the total number of tournaments per state.
Normalize these quantities.
Compute the Chess Activity Index as the product of these normalized quantities.
The top 5 states according to the calculations are:
New York (NY): The highest index, New York obviously has a strong presence in the chess community. Interestingly enough New York falls behind California in the number of tournaments.
California (CA): Following closely behind, California has the highest number of tournaments and a high number of players as well.
Texas (TX)
Pennsylvania (PA)
North Carolina (NC)
Of course, this basic mockup is just a test run. For the next report, I'm working on a comprehensive model that takes into account all of the components (including TDs and affiliates,...) and juxtaposes this data with the active population. The ultimate goal is to incorporate this index into the FIDE reports.
III) Gender Distribution
The gender proportions:
Male (M): 85.44%
Female (F): 10.78%
Unknown/Prefer not to answer: 3.61%
Nonbinary: 0.17%
IV) Rating Distribution
I) Player Participation, Performance, and Federation Analysis
Rating averages and player counts with federations with at least 50 active players
Player with the most points in a single event in June:
Player ID: 3520773
Player Name: Quesada Perez, Luis Ernesto
Federation: CUB
Rating: 2374
Biggest FIDE Tournaments in June
⚠️Please note that the tournament size only includes FIDE rated players. ⚠️
Top Rating Winners and Losers for All K Factors (Classical)
FOR K=20
FOR K=10
The most active player in June was: Korneev, Oleg with 45 games.